CGDIS - Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours
Since 1 July 2018, with the entry into force of the law of 27 March 2018 on the organisation of civil security and the creation of a Grand-Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps, all national actors of the rescue services have been grouped together within a public establishment called the Grand-Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS).
The actors of the CGDIS are
- the municipal fire and rescue services
- the civil protection units
- the emergency medical service SAMU
- the Luxembourg City Fire and Ambulance Service
- the airport fire brigade
The Grand-Ducal Fire and Rescue Service carries out the tasks of the "Rescue Service" and the "Fire and Rescue Service".
It is located in the premises of the National Fire and Rescue Centre (CNIS) at 3, boulevard de Kockelscheuer, L-1821 Luxembourg.
Representatives within the FEU

Serge Heiles