Member Logo Norway

Norsk brannfaglig landsforbund



The Norwegian Fire Brigade National Association (NBLF) is a nationwide interest organization for fire brigades from professional and part-time fire brigades. The association has 15 circuit layers.

The association primarily concentrates its activities on fire professional matters in a societal perspective. The union is apolitical and does not engage in wage or union issues.

The association's highest body is the general meeting, which is held every other year. The day-to-day operations are handled by the federal board, which consists of 9 members with 5 deputies. The board has 5-6 meetings a year. In addition to this, the county council meeting is held once a year. The district council leaders, the board with deputies and any committee members, among others, participate in the county council meeting.

The most important focus areas are:

  • Contribute to the development of laws, regulations and other fire professional rules
  • Professional and organizational development of the fire service
  • Cooperation with other fire professional organizations
  • Development of better competence
  • Preventive measures and information
Association members

Representatives within the FEU