Memberlogo SBB Sweden

The Swedish Association of Fire Officers


The Swedish Association of Fire Officers

SBB is a professional association without trade union or political ties for fire officers. Our independence makes us a strong and reliable voice in the development of the Swedish rescue service. We actively use our strong position to influence the development of Sweden's fire officers through various activities at local and national level that promote the dissemination of knowledge, experience transfer and collaboration. Our regional associations play a central role in implementing activities locally and working to increase knowledge sharing and networking.

The Swedish Association of Fire Officers

Founded: 1958
Number of members: 1300

Category of members:
Fire brigade officers of all kind, from brigades of all type but not volunteers.
The association is open for other members in professions close to fire brigades,
such as leaders of industrial professional brigades.

The members pay a yearly subscription fee of 300 SEK. Other income is conferences. The Association is not given any kind of support from the Government or other public authorities.

Four times a year "Räddningsledaren" is given to all members. Income from advertisements.

Main working area:
The Association is "spokesman" for Fire Officers in Sweden. We take part in most tasks for education and training, fire prevention, fire fighting and rescue operations in the future.

Contact with authorities:
The Association has good contacts with The Swedish Contingency Agency and The Swedish Fire Protection Association.

International contacts:
The Association have a close relationship with similar organisations in Denmark, Finland and Norway. We are members of The Federation of European Union Fire Officers Association (FEU).

Andreas Hoff

Föreningen Sveriges Brandbefäl
c/o Storstockholms brandförsvar

Box 1328
S 111 83 Stockholm

Association members

Representatives within the FEU