Last week, 18 European fire officers started the Officer Development Programme (ODP). The goal of the programme is to gain a better understanding of the strategic issues that are important for the fire service in Europe, now and in the future. The participants worked on their individual leadership skills and worked together on strategic assignments.

Program leader Jakob Vedsted Andersen/Denmark quotes one of the students: “The challenges remain but the handle is on our side of the door”. According to Jakob the culmination of a great week and thereby the first ODP arranged by FEU Fire Officers in cooperation with Nederlands Instituut Publieke Veiligheid (NIPV) in Arnhem/Netherlands. The participants did a pitch for their colleagues and for the FEU Board at the Twente Safety Campus in Enschede/Netherlands where safety and innovation meets. The program leader calls the pitches on sustainability and improving the voice of the fire and rescue service professional and valuable. Soon we will evaluate and discuss how to further develop the ODP.

Class’22 participants are offered to join the ODP Alumni network that will create a firm foundation for future collaboration among participants.

A primary and first goal for the ODP #Alumni network is to maintain updated and current information of all participants so it is possible in an easy way to stay in contact with ODP peers. Thereby enable ODP participants to create and keep connections in a way that will help with their strategic focus, leadership, and organizational development.