A commonality of approach by shared learning and good practice
The Fire & Rescue Services have a long history of sharing good practice, not only within Europe, but across the world. Exchange programs, EU funded projects and joint training exercises, have all served to foster good relations and to share good practice between FEU members.
As we move into challenging times, the sharing of good practice will bring benefits of shared learning, financial savings, and will help provide a commonality of approach where appropriate.
The FEU vision for the next years concentrates on three main programs
The Voice
FEU focusses to be the point of contact concerning organisational, managerial, and strategical issues of the fire service leadership in Europe for all parties and stakeholders-politicians, professionals, partners.
Leadership / Officer Development Program (ODP)
Our Leadership / European Officer Development Program; developing the next generation of fire officers in an international context to stimulate futureproof leadership and management skills of our officers.
Exchange of Experts and Knowledge
Sharing/Exchange information and knowledge by facilitating and promoting Exchange of Experts and fellowship programs. Therefore, the FEU is looking forward not only to continuing and strengthening the collaboration with its members but with all kinds of sister- and EU-organisations worldwide. Much more knowledge must be made accessible and shared with all the international counter partners.