Improved sharing of good practice
Improved sharing of good practice will bring about a real and tangible benefit to both the Fire and Rescue Services and the communities of Europe.
Therefore, the FEU will seek to:
- Build up existing networks and sharing of good practice across the EU fire community.
- Continue to hold FEU Council meetings on a twice yearly basis.
- Continue to participate in joint projects to improve Fire and Rescue Service activities across Europe.
- Provide opportunities to the EU fire community to capture and share information and best practice on operational and fire prevention activities
- Form and participate in pan-European and global groups to progress improvements in fire service activities.
- Work to reduce duplication of activity and improve the sharing of resources across the EU fire community.
- Develop our website and other communications channels to promote our activities and to disseminate relevant information across the EU fire community
- Develop and promote the concept of e-learning across the EU Fire Community
- Actively promote ’Lessons learnt’ initiatives from case studies across the EU fire community
The aim of this pilot project is to analyse the terminology used and the data collected by the Member States regarding building fires. This will identify the collection difficulties and interpretation differences and propose a common terminology and a method to collect the necessary data.
LINKS “Strengthening links between technologies and society for European disaster resilience” is a comprehensive study on disaster governance in Europe. The overall aim of the LINKS project is to strengthen links between technologies and society for improved European disaster resilience. Project results can be retrieved from the LINKS Community Center.
The overall objective of EmerGent is to understand the positive and negative impact of social media in emergencies in order to:
- enhance the safety and security of citizens before, during and after emergencies,
- strengthen the role of European companies supplying services and products related to EmerGent’s results.